
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Tiny Colorpicker

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Tiny Colorpicker is a crossbrowser jquery plugin that creates a color picker (form) input. Its a easy way to add color pickers to your forms or user interface.


  • IOS and Android support.

  • AMD, Node, requirejs and commonjs support.

  • Easy customizable

  • Can be used inside forms or outside

  • Lightweight


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../lib/jquery.tinycolorpicker.js"></script>


<div id="colorPicker">
<a class="color"><div class="colorInner"></div></a>
<div class="track"></div>
<ul class="dropdown"><li></li></ul>
<input type="hidden" class="colorInput"/>



var $box = $('#colorPicker');
var box = $"plugin_tinycolorpicker")



A list of all the available options and there default value

  • colors : [] – fallback colors for old browsers (ie8-).

  • backgroundUrl : “” – It will look for a css image on the track div. If not found it will look if there’s a url in this property.


  • hexToRgb – Convert a hex color to rgb color

  • rgbToHex – Convert a rgb color to hex

  • setColor – Set the color of the picker it takes a rgb or hex color.



var $box = $('#box');


$box.bind("change", function()

console.log("do something on every change of color");

change – This event fires on every color change.

Tiny Colorpicker

Monday, 28 July 2014

SmoothState.js : jQuery plugin for Smooth Page loads

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Hard cuts and white flashes break user focus and create confusion as layouts change or elements rearrange.We’ve accepted the jankiness of page loads as a personality quirk of the web, even though there is no technical reason it must exist. We don’t need to treat the web like a native app’s ugly cousin.

Javascript SPA frameworks, sometimes referred to as MVC frameworks, are a common way to solve this issue. However, these frameworks often lose the benefits of unobtrusive code, such as resilience to errors, performance, and accessibility. smoothState.js lets you start adding transitions that eliminate the hard cuts of page loads to improve the beauty of the experience. It does this with:

  • Progressive enhancement - a technique that exemplifies the principles universal design

  • jQuery - a library a great many of us are familiar with

  • history.pushState() - a method that lets us maintain browsing expectations

  • Ajax - a way for us to request and store pages on the user’s device without refreshing the page

Traditional animators draw out the changes to a scene in an array of frames that get swapped out in rapid succession. Likewise, smoothState allows you to define an array of functions that return the markup that gets swapped out on the page. This gives you the freedom to add the HTML scaffolding needed for CSS animations.


smoothState provides some options that allow you to customize the functionality of the plugin.


A boolean, default being false, that determines weather or not the plugin should try to prefetch the contents of the page. This is an excellent way to improve perceived performance. I wrote a blog post explaining ways you can take advantage of this to make your page feel instant. If you’re dealing with a complex database-driven application and you’re not using any type of caching, don’t try to use this. It will likely destroy your app server since it will increase the number of request each user makes to the server.


A string that is used as a jQuery selector to ignore certain links. By default smoothState will ignore any links that match ".no-smoothstate, [rel='nofollow'], [target]". This is useful when defining certain links you always want a page referch for. Such as deep web links, or links with custom javascript functionality around them.


This is the class that will get applied to the body element when there is a noticeable delay between the time when a user activates a link and when the AJAX request is complete. This can be used to show the user a loading indicator and give the user some feedback that the UI is working. By default it will apply a class of loading-cursor to the body. Here’s a bit of CSS to go along with it:

.loading-cursor a
cursor: progress;


A boolean, default being false, that will tell smoothState to output useful debug info when something goes wrong in console instead of trying to abort and reload the page.


A number, default being 5, that defines the maximum number of pages to store locally in memory. smoothState will store the HTML it requested from the server in a variable for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary requests and improving page load speed. Setting a limit to this is useful for conserving the memory of less capable devices.


A number, default being 400, that defines the number of milliseconds smoothState will wait in between each render function inside of the array renderFrame. This number should match the delay in your CSS transition.


An array of functions that return the HTML that will be swapped out. By default smoothState just removes the old content and replaces it with the new content. smoothState will always pass in two jQuery objects to this function as arguments, $content and $container.

var html = options.renderFrame[i]($content, $container);


A function that defines any alterations needed on the URL that is used to request content from the server. The function should return a string that is a valid URL. This is useful when dealing with applications that have layout controls. You could, for example, append the query parameter of layout=true in order to force an application to give you the entire page. smoothState will pass in the URL as an argument to this function.


A function that runs after the content has been replaced. smoothState will pass in two parameters to this function:

if (isLastFrame) 
options.onAfter($content, $container);


A function that runs before the content is replaced. smoothState will pass in two parameters to this function:

options.onBefore(url, $container);

SmoothState.js : jQuery plugin for Smooth Page loads

TimeTo - Timer countdown digital clock

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TimeTo is a jQuery plugin that makes timer countdown digital clock for your website


<link href="timeTo.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.timeTo.min.js"></script>


<div id="countdown-1"></div>


seconds: 100,
displayHours: false


Object with initial settings:

  • callback: function that call when countdown end, default null;

  • captionSize: integer font-size by pixels for captions, if 0 then calculate automaticaly, default 0;

  • countdown: boolean if false then it’s as clock, default true;

  • countdownAlertLimit: integer seconds left to countdown end after that clock apply CSS class timeTo-alert, default 10;

  • displayDays: integer count of digits days to display, default auto (for backward compatibility true means 3);

  • displayCaption: boolean if true then captions display, default false;

  • displayHours: boolean if false then hide hours, default true;

  • fontFamily: string font-family for digits, default ‘Verdana, sans-serif’;

  • fontSize: integer font-size by pixels for digits, default 28;

  • lang: string language for caption, available ‘en’, ‘ru’, ‘ua’, ‘de’, ‘fr’, ‘sp’, ‘it’, ‘nl’, ‘no’, ‘pt’, default ‘en’;

  • seconds: integer initial time in seconds for countdown timer, default 0;

  • start: boolean if true – start timer automaticaly, else need execute .timeTo(“start”), default true;

  • theme: string nameof color theme, available “white” and “black”, default ‘white’;

  • timeTo: date object specify date and time for current time or for countdown to, default null.

TimeTo - Timer countdown digital clock

hColumns - Looks like Mac OS X Finder's column view

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hColumns is a jQuery plugin that looks like Mac OS X Finder’s column view for the hierarchical data.


<!-- Change this if you have another CSS Rest framework installed (e.g. Bootstrap) -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reset.css" type="text/css">
<!-- Feel free to modify this for colors or width to match your need -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/hcolumns.css" type="text/css">

<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.hcolumns.min.js"></script>


<div id="columns"></div>


var nodes =
0: [
id: 1, label: "My Favorite Sites", type: "folder" ,
id: 2, label: "Empty Folder", type: "folder",
id: 3, label: "Direct link to Google", type: "link", url: ""

1: [
id: 11, label: "Tech", type: "folder" ,
id: 12, label: "Food", type: "folder"

11: [
id: 111, label: "PHP", type: "folder" ,
id: 112, label: "Javascript", type: "folder" ,
id: 113, label: "Hacker News", type:"link", url: ""

12: [
// empty node

111: [
id: 1111, label: "PHP Engine", type: "folder" ,
id: 1112, label: "PHP Extension", type: "folder" ,

112: [
id: 1121, label: "node.js", type: "link", url: ""

1111: [
id: 11111, label: "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", type: "link", url: ""

1112: [
id: 11121, label: "Twig", type: "link", url: ""

2: [
// empty node

nodeSource: function(node_id, callback)
if(node_id === null)
node_id = 0;

if( !(node_id in nodes) )
return callback("Node not exists");

return callback(null, nodes[node_id]);


hColumns - Looks like Mac OS X Finder's column view

Saturday, 26 July 2014

nanoGALLERY - jQuery plugin

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Image gallery simplified.

Touch enabled, responsive, justified/cascading/grid layout and supporting cloud storage.

Featuring multi-level navigation in albums, combinable hover effects on thumbnails, multiple layouts, slideshow, fullscreen, pagination, image lazy load, themes, deep linking, customizable, i18n, and pulling in Flickr, Picasa, Google+ and SmugMug photo albums among others.

Usage can be as easy as:

kind : 'picasa',
userID : ''

Key features

  • Display image galleries with justified, cascading or grid layout

  • Display thumbnails and images with titles and descriptions

  • Numerous animated thumbnails hover effects (combinations are possible)

  • Easy to setup and customizable

  • Responsive layout – mobile friendly – Swipe support

  • Breadcrumb for easy navigation in photo albums

  • Image slideshow with swipe and keyboard shortcuts support

  • Deep linking of images and albums

  • Optimized support of very large galleries (thumbnail image lazy loading or pagination)

  • Browser Back/Forward navigation

  • Ignore undesired albums or photosets (by keyword blacklisting)

  • Multiple galleries on one page

  • Color schemes / Themes

  • Internationalization support (i18n)

  • Helpers for custom extensions

  • Supported image sources :
    • self hosted images

    • Flickr account

    • Picasa/Google+ account

    • SmugMug account

Usage examples

Include JS and CSS files

<!-- Add jQuery library (MANDATORY) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<!-- Add nanoGALLERY plugin files (MANDATORY) -->
<link href="css/nanogallery.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.nanogallery.js"></script>

Note: If you specify a theme, the corresponding css file must also be included.

Example with images from a Flickr account

  • Create a container

Put a <DIV> element in the <BODY> of your HTML page where you want the gallery to be displayed.

<div id="nanoGallery1"></div>

  • Initialize the script

$(document).ready(function () 

nanoGALLERY - jQuery plugin

jQuery Rotate : Plugin that Rotate Images by any Angle

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This is a small plugin for jQuery that adds a nice feature to rotate images (img html objects) by a given angle on web pages. An experimental version 3 tries to rotate all objects, but with some small issues. 


To support so many old browsers there are few techniques being used:

  • For modern browsers (Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE 9) plugin uses native CSS3 attributes (-ms-transform, -transform-property, -webkit-transform, -o-transform).

  • For older browsers with CANVAS support image is being replaced by a CANVAS component that can be easily rotated using internal canvas methods,

  • For older IE browsers VML is being used,

Supported Browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 6.0 >

  • Firefox 2.0 >

  • Safari 3 >

  • Opera 9 >

  • Google Chrome


Include script after including main jQuery. Whole plugin uses jQuery namespace and should be compatible with older version (unchecked).

Please put all issues into a ISSUES page. If you want – you can also checkout repository and path the code on your own. If you do that please send me patch so I can apply it into trunk.

jQuery Rotate : Plugin that Rotate Images by any Angle

jQuery thoughtBubble

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jQuery thoughtBubble is a small library that creates animated thought bubbles/tooltips.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="../src/jquery.thoughtBubble.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='../src/jquery.thoughtBubble.js'></script>


<img src='' id="thoughtBubble" alt='whats up?' />


text: 'I could go for pizza!',
font: 'avenir'

jQuery thoughtBubble

Alphabetize - Categorize data in alphabetical order

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Alphabetize is a jquery plugin that Categorizes data in alphabetical order


<script type="text/javascript" src='js/jquery.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='js/alphabetize.js'></script>


<ul class="alphabetize">




showUnknown : true



Alphabetize - Categorize data in alphabetical order

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Neutrino - A flexible jQuery based slideshow

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Neutrino is a flexible jQuery based slideshow plugin that requires minimum markup. Styles are all in the LESS/CSS files and so both the styles and the JavaScript are required for Neutrino to work.



<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/neutrino.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../source/js/neutrino.jquery.js"></script>


<div class="neutrino n1">
<div class="slide">
<img src="" />
<div class="slide">
<img src="" />




You can customize Neutrino using an options argument (more details on all options will follow):


transitionType: 'slide', // A string representing the type of transition
transitionTime: 0.75, // The time in SECONDS that the animation between each slides will take.
timer: 3500, // The time in MILLISECONDS between each animations. 3500 is default. If set to 0, there will not be a timed loop.
hasArrows: false, // False is default. If set to true, Neutrino will add arrows on each sides of the slideshow.
hasNav: false, // False is default. If set to true, Neutrino will add a navigation at the bottom of the slideshow.
slidesPerPage: 1 // 1 is default. If set to a number bigger than 1, Neutrino will change the markup to allow pagination.

options.transitionType : Choices available are



goToSlide(slideIndex); //Used to change directly to a slide if needed.

Neutrino - A flexible jQuery based slideshow

Mad Twitter : Animated Twitter Birds jQuery Plugin

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Mad twitter is a highly user friendly button, that produces different animations on hover effect. Six different effects makes the twitter angry and it goes wild, which is the most interesting feature of mad twitter button.


How to use

Mad twitter is an easy to use jquery plugin. A css file must be included to make it work properly.

<link href="css/mad_twitter.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" />

Any latest version of jquery works perfectly, it can be added easily.

<script src="//"></script>

A separate js file is added with the demo content in case if user don’t want to make hands dirty with code. The file mad_twitter.js will work perfectly.



<div class="mad_twitter" id="mad_twitter_1"> <ul> <li id="written">Follow us</li> <li id="twitter"><center><i class="fa fa-twitter fa-2x"></center></i></li> </ul> </div>


$("#mad_twitter_1").hover(function() $("#mad_twitter_1 .fa-twitter").toggleClass("magictime foolishIn"); );

Change Animation

There are six unique animations and can be chaged as follows;

Insead of using “follishIn” in the above script user can use following animations

  • twisterInDown

  • magic

  • bombLeftOut

  • tinUpIn

  • tinRightOut

Just add any of the above classes on hover, and it will give make twitter angry. );

Mad Twitter : Animated Twitter Birds jQuery Plugin

jsPanel : jQuery Floating Panels plugin for Bootstrap

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Setting options in the configuration object of the .jsPanel() function will set options for the individual jsPanel. It will not change options globally. To see how to change the defaults globally go down to the defaults section.

This option is one of several ways to load content into the jsPanel. Additional ways to load content are provided by option.content and option.load. Option.load internally uses the native jQuery method .load()

Type: object

Default: false

The settings of the option.ajax configuration object are used the same way as the arguments for jQuery.ajax() are used.

For detailed information about the jQuery.ajax() configuration refer to the jQuery API

  1. $(‘#option-ajax’).jsPanel(

  2. size:‘auto’,

  3. ajax:

  4. url:‘files/example-ajax.html’

  5. );

The option.ajax settings object accepts the following additional settings:

  • done: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR, jsPanel )

    A function that will be passed to jQuerys .done() callback and receives the same arguments as jQuerys .done() callback plus the jsPanel as fourth argument.

  • fail: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, jsPanel )

    A function that will be passed to jQuerys .fail() callback and receives the same arguments as jQuerys .fail() callback plus the jsPanel as fourth argument.

  • always: function( data|jqXHR, textStatus, jqXHR|errorThrown, jsPanel )

    A function that will be passed to jQuerys .always() callback and receives the same arguments as jQuerys .always() callback plus the jsPanel as fourth argument.

    In response to a successful request, the function’s arguments are the same as those of .done(): data, textStatus, and the jqXHR object plus the jsPanel as fourth argument.

    For failed requests the arguments are the same as those of .fail(): the jqXHR object, textStatus, and errorThrown plus the jsPanel as fourth argument.

  • then: function( data, textStatus, jqXHR, jsPanel ) , function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, jsPanel )

    Expects an array of two functions. The first function serves as callback for a successful request, the second one as callback for a failed request.

  1. $(‘#option-ajax’).jsPanel(

  2. size:‘auto’,

  3. position: top:770, left:15,

  4. ajax:

  5. url:‘files/example-ajax-2.html’,

  6. done:function( data, textStatus, jqXHR, jsPanel )

  7. console.log(‘jqXHR status: ‘+ jqXHR.status +‘ ‘+ jqXHR.statusText +‘ ‘+ textStatus );

  8. ,

  9. fail:function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, jsPanel )

  10. $(‘.panel-body’, jsPanel ).append( jqXHR.responseText );

  11. ,

  12. always:function( arg1, textStatus, arg3, jsPanel )

  13. console.log( textStatus );

  14. );

  1. $(‘#option-ajax’).jsPanel(

  2. size:‘auto’,

  3. position: top:1187, left:15,

  4. ajax:

  5. url:‘files/example-ajax-3.html’,

  6. then:[

  7. function( data, textStatus, jqXHR, jsPanel )

  8. jsPanel.title('Example for option.ajax.then');

  9. console.log( textStatus )

  10. ,

  11. function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, jsPanel )

  12. $('.panel-body', jsPanel ).append( jqXHR.responseText );

  13. console.log( errorThrown )

  14. ]

  15. );


version 1.0

This option allows the jsPanel to close automatically after the specified time in milliseconds.

Type: number

Default: false

  1. $(‘#option-autoclose’).jsPanel(

  2. autoclose:4000

  3. );

and wait a few seconds to see the jsPanel close automatically


version 1.0

This option is one of several ways to load content into the jsPanel. Additional ways to load content are provided by option.load and option.ajax.

Type: string | function | jQuery object

Default: false

  1. $(‘#option-content’).jsPanel(

  2. content:“<div class=’preloader’><img src=’images/pl.gif’></div>”,

  3. position:‘center’

  4. );

  1. $(‘#option-content’).jsPanel(

  2. content:function()return“<div class=’preloader’><img src=’images/pl.gif’></div>”;,

  3. position:‘center’

  4. );

  1. $(‘#option-content’).jsPanel(

  2. content: $(‘<p>Lorem ipsum …</p>’).css(padding:’20px’,‘text-align’:‘center’),

  3. position:‘center’

  4. );


jsPanel : jQuery Floating Panels plugin for Bootstrap

Bootstrap Show Password : jQuery Plugin

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Show/hide password jQuery plugin for bootstrap.


The plugin acts on <input> elements (typically password fields):

<input id="password" type="password" data-message="Show/hide password">



Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-message="Show/hide password".

messagestringClick here show/hide passwordThe tooltip of show/hide icon.
whitebooleanfalseShow the white icon.(Just work in bootstrap v2)



Manually show the password.



Manually hide the password.



Manually toggle the password.



The plugin exposes a few events.

Event TypeDescription event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. If caused by a click, the clicked element is available as the relatedTarget property of the event. event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called.
$('#password).on('', function (e) 


Bootstrap Show Password : jQuery Plugin

Power Table : jQuery plugin for Bootstrap Tables

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You can use a combination of features that you want in the table. Our Js table features in below.

  • You can add the search feature in the table.

  • You can add the sorting feature in the table.

  • You can add the result sum feature end of the column.

  • You can change the value in the sql and table.

  • You can add the paginations feature in the table.

  • You can add the more results feature in the table.

  • You can add the display feature in the table for size.

  • Our Table Js library with your bootstrap themes.

Power Table : jQuery plugin for Bootstrap Tables

Bootstrap Visual FX : jQuery Plugin

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Video & Parallax add-on allows you to easily add image parallax scrolling effects and video backgrounds to your WordPress site. The plugin integrates straight into Visual Composer’s row settings, and is flexible to suit your theme’s design.

Just activate the plugin into your WordPress theme and video & parallax background images will become available for Visual Composer rows. Create normal or full-width backgrounds, and backgrounds that span multiple rows.


  • Video Backgrounds, YouTube or Vimeo

  • Parallax in four directions: up, down, left and right,

  • Plug and play, just activate the plugin along with Visual Composer,

  • Option to break out of containers, to allow your video or parallax to occupy more space, or even the full browser width,

  • Option to span a video or parallax background across multiple rows, for the ultimate layouting experience,

  • Option to turn off parallax in mobile devices,

  • Translation files included: English .mo and .po files, and

  • Integrates perfectly in the Visual Composer interface

  • Uses requestAnimationFrame for smooth animating

Bootstrap Visual FX : jQuery Plugin

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Bootstrap Markdown : jQuery plugin for markdown editing

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Simple Markdown editing tools that works!

Bootstrap-Markdown designed to be easily integrated with your bootstrap project. It exposes useful API that allow you to fully hook-in into the plugin


Switch regular textarea within your form into Bootstrap-Markdown editor seamlessly by adding data-provide="markdown" attribute


<labelclass="checkbox"><inputname="publish"type="checkbox"> Publish

Inline editing with Bootstrap-Markdown is done by adding data-provide="markdown-editable" attribute


<divdata-provide="markdown-editable"><h3>This is some editable heading</h3><p>Well, actually all contents within this "markdown-editable" context is really editable. Just click anywhere!</p></div>


This is some editable heading

Well, actually all contents within this “markdown-editable” context is really editable. Just click anywhere!


Beside using above data-attributes, you could call it via code


Noted that Bootstrap-Markdown could be used as a standalone input (without any form). Set savable parameter to true will do the job. Options can be passed via data attributes or via code. Available options are:





Bootstrap Markdown : jQuery plugin for markdown editing
Option NameTypeDescription
autofocusbooleanIndicates that editor will focused after instantiated. Default to false
savablebooleanIndicates that editor will have save button and action. Default to false
hideablebooleanIf set to true then the editor will be hidden on blur event. Default to false
widthmixedThe editor width. Default to inherit. You could supply any numerical value (that will be set as css), or supply valid Bootstrap class (something like span2)
heightmixedThe editor height. Default to inherit
resizestringOption to disable or change the resize property. Default to none
iconlibrarystringThe icon library to use. Glyphicons (glyph) and Font Awesome (fa) are supported. In order to use Font Awesome properly, you’ll need to include Font Awesome stylesheet yourself. Default to glyph
languagestringLocalization setting. Default to en
footermixedFooter dom. Can be string or callback. Default is empty string
hiddenButtonsmixedArray or string of button names to be hidden. Default is empty string
disabledButtonsmixedArray or string of button names to be disabled. Default is empty string

Bootstrap Dual Listbox in jQuery

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Bootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. Works on all modern browsers and on touch devices.

Check the official website for a demo.


  1. Download the latest tag from the releases page or get it via bower:

$ bower install bootstrap-duallistbox

  1. Include jQuery and Bootstrap:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>

  1. Include plugin’s code:

<script src="dist/jquery.bootstrap-duallistbox.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../src/bootstrap-duallistbox.css">

  1. Call the plugin:

// see next for specifications

Bootstrap Dual Listbox in jQuery

Filterable : jQuery Table Column Filter for Bootstrap

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Bootstrap and X-editable themed jQuery plugin that preforms per-column filtering for an HTML table.


  • Filterable requires both Bootstrap and X-editable. To be able to change the color of the bootstrap icons, use the Font Awesome Icons inplace of the default ones.

     <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

  • To use Filterable, just select the table that you want to use and call filterable on it.
    • $('#exampleTable').filterable();

  • To override any default options, just pass a hash of options to Filterable. This example makes filterable case-sensitive.
    • $('#exampleTable').filterable(ignoreCase: false);


  • ignoreColumns
    • Column indexes to not make filterable

    • Type: Array

    • Default: []

  • onlyColumns
    • Column indexes to make filterable, all other columns are left non-filterable.

    • Type: Array

    • This takes presidence over ignoreColumns when provided.

    • Default: null – all columns

  • ignoreCase
    • If case should be ignored

    • Type: Boolean

    • Default: true

  • isMatch($cell, query)
    • Custom function to determine if the cell matches the user supplied filter

    • Type: Function

    • Default: null

  • editableOptions
    • Any custom options for X-editable

    • Type: Object

    • Defaults:

  • editableSelector
    • Selector to use on each heading to define the x-editable object. If not supplied, the enire heading is used.

    • Type: String

    • Defaults: null

  • beforeFilter
    • Function to call before filtering a column

    • Type: Function

    • Defaults: null

  • afterFilter
    • Function to call after filtering a column

    • Type: Function

    • Defaults: null


Filterable : jQuery Table Column Filter for Bootstrap

jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

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A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap.This project was started to bring the beauty and ease-of-use of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.In their original forms, jQuery UI and Bootstrap can’t coexist resulting in conflicts with both CSS classes and styles as well as JavaScript when you do try to use them. jQuery UI Bootstrap provides the JavaScript and CSS required to quickly start a project using both jQuery UI and Twitter Bootstrap.

Our solution offers a custom version of Bootstrap compatible with jQuery UI as well as a Bootstrap-themed jQuery UI theme you can use to prototype your projects.

This project was started to bring the beauty and ease-of-use of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets ♥.


Bootstrap is one of our favorite projects, but having used it regularly it left us wanting two things:

  • The ability to work side-by-side with jQuery UI (something which caused a number of widgets to break visually)

  • The ability to theme jQuery UI widgets using Bootstrap styles. Whilst we love jQuery UI, we find some of the current themes to look a little dated. Our hope is that this theme provides a decent alternative for others that feel the same.

To clarify, this project doesn’t aim or intend to replace Twitter Bootstrap. It merely provides a jQuery UI-compatible theme inspired by Bootstrap’s design. It also provides a version of Bootstrap CSS with a few (minor) sections commented out which enable the theme to work alongside it.

We welcome any and all feedback as we would very much like this theme to be as solid as possible.

Browser support

All modern browsers are targeted by this theme with ‘lo-res’ experiences (i.e no gradients, border-radius etc.) provided for users using older browsers.

There are some minor known issues lingering that we’re working on, but the hope is that in time those will all get ironed out.

jQuery UI support

This theme targets jQuery UI 1.10.3 (stable) and 1.9.2 (legacy), along with the default version of jQuery included in the (current) jQuery UI builds (jQuery 1.6+).

Project status

This project is under active, but slow development. There has been a great deal of work done in branches to introduce compatibility with jQuery UI 1.9 and further work done to move us towards using LESS and improved parity with Bootstrap 3.x.

At this time, we are seeking contributors interested in helping us to finally complete the work needed to be Bootstrap 3.x compatible. This would involve helping in your spare time across a few weeks and you would be given credit in the project README.

As one of the (currently) more popular open-source jQuery UI themes we would love to get out more frequent releases and your help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Synchronize your fork

cd your_fork

git remote add your_fork
git fetch jquery-ui-bootstrap

#Merge your local copy with the original project
git checkout gh-pages
git merge jquery-ui-bootstrap/gh-pages

#Commit your changes
git commit -a -m "Synchronization with the original"

#Send your changes to github
git push

rock on node.js bandwagon!

<<install node>>
cd your_fork

# install modules (or globally with -g switch)
npm install

# run local webserver to see the pages.
node server.js

# compile your LESS changes to create a new css file
cd less
lessc -x style.less > style.min.css
lessc -x style2.less > style2.min.css

jQuery UI Bootstrap : Bootstrap-themed kickstart for jQuery UI widgets

jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Modal

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Extends Bootstrap’s native modals to provide additional functionality. Introduces a ModalManager class that operates behind the scenes to handle multiple modals by listening on their events.

A single ModalManager is created by default on body and can be accessed through the jQuery plugin interface.


Bootstrap-Modal can be used as a replacement for Bootstrap’s Modal class or as a patch to the library.

Bootstrap 3

If you’re using BS3, I’ve provided a compatible css patch. Include bootstrap-modal-bs3patch.css before the main bootstrap-modal.css file to use this plugin with Bootstrap 3.

If you’re using the loading spinner functionality you may also need to change the default template to be compatible in js:

$.fn.modal.defaults.spinner = $.fn.modalmanager.defaults.spinner = 
'<div class="loading-spinner" style="width: 200px; margin-left: -100px;">' +
'<div class="progress progress-striped active">' +
'<div class="progress-bar" style="width: 100%;"></div>' +
'</div>' +

Note: Since this plugin was created to solve a lot of the issues with BS2, it still uses the BS2 markup syntax. Currently I believe the default BS3 modal addresses some of the bigger issues and is not worth maintaining two versions of this plugin.


  • Backwards compatible

  • Responsive

  • Stackable

  • Full width

  • Load content via AJAX

  • Disable background scrolling


  • Include css/bootstrap-modal.css after the main bootstrap css files.

  • Include js/bootstrap-modalmanager.js and js/bootstrap-modal.js after the main bootstrap js files.


In addition to the standard bootstrap options, you now have access to the following options



  • loading Toggle the loading state.

  • backdropLimit Limit the amount of backdrops that will appear on the page at the same time.

  • spinner Provide a custom image or animation for the loading spinner.

  • backdropTemplate Provide a custom modalmanager backdrop. This backdrop is used when $element.modalmanager('loading') is called.

Disable Background Scrolling

If you want to prevent the background page from scrolling (see demo for example) you must wrap the page contents in a <div class="page-container">. For example:

<div class="page-container">
<div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">...</div>
<div class="container">...</div>

The reason for doing this instead of just simply setting overflow: hidden when a modal is open is to avoid having the page shift as a result of the scrollbar appearing/disappearing. This also allows the document to be scrollable when there is a tall modal but only to the height of the modal, not the entire page.

Constrain Modal to Window Size

You can bind the the height of the modal body to the window with something like this:

$.fn.modal.defaults.maxHeight = function()
// subtract the height of the modal header and footer
return $(window).height() - 165;

Note: This will be overwritten by the responsiveness and is only set when the modal is displayed, not when the window is resized.

Tab Index for Modal Forms

You can use data-tabindex instead of the default tabindex to specify the tabindex within a modal.

<input type="text" data-tabindex="1" />
<input type="text" data-tabindex="2" />

See the stackable example on the demo page for an example.

jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Modal

Mention.js : Add functionality to Twitter Bootstraps Typeahead plugin

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Lightweight (min: 1.92kb, full: 4.07kb) wrapper for adding @user mention functionality to Twitter Bootstraps Typeahead plugin.

This enables you to have Twitter-like user mentions in textareas


The users parameter accepts an array of objects. Each object must have a username key in order for this script to work.

delimiter: '@',
users: [
username: "ashley"
username: "roger"
username: "frecklefart123"


sensitive: true,
users: [
username: "sarah"
username: "bigRat"
username: "roger"
username: "Ricky"

With sensitivity set to true, items are ordered by the following divisions of priority:

  • Highest: If first letter matches exactly

  • High: If first letter matches regardless of case

  • Med: If target has matching letters’ case

  • Low: if target has matching character regardless of case

Sensitivity Examples:

If you were to query "@r", with sensitivity on, the resulting list will be ["roger", "Ricky", "sarah", "bigRat"], but if you were to query "@R", the resulting list would be ["Ricky", "roger", "bigRat", "sarah"]

Full Names, Images, and Query By

If you have a name and/or image key in one of your user objects, there name and image will appear as such in the dropdown list.

The queryBy parameter accepts an array of strings that represent keys in your user object that you would like to query against. For example, if you were to type in the name “@Scott”, the script would match the username “@bigCat”. username is required for this script to work.

queryBy: ['name', 'username'],
users: [
username: "sarah",
name: "Sarah Jones",
image: ""
username: "bigCat",
name: "Scott Pfaff",
image: ""
username: "coderDude",
name: "Roger Penn",
image: ""

Empty Querying

You may query for users simply by pressing your delimiter. For example, pressing the @ symbol will return all users that are a part of your users list, so long as those users adhere to the typeaheadOpts.items limit

emptyQuery: true,
items: 10 // Max number of items you want to show
users: [...]


users: [], // Array of Objects
delimiter: '@', // Username Delimiter
sensitive : true,
queryBy: ['name', 'username'],
typeaheadOpts: // Settings for Typeahead
matcher: _matcher, // Mention.js's custom matcher function, don't change
updater: _updater, // Mention.js's custom updater function, don't change
sorter: _sorter, // Mention.js's custom sorter function, don't change


Mention.js : Add functionality to Twitter Bootstraps Typeahead plugin

jQuery Interactive Shopping Cart

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This is a smart interactive Shopping Cart jQuery plugin based on Bootstrap framework.


  • Very easy to install!

  • Full AJAX implementation code.

  • Well documented code.

  • HTML5 & Valid CSS .

  • Cross-platform.

  • Easy to customize.

jQuery Interactive Shopping Cart

jQuery Mobile Twitter Bootstrap Theme


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Bootstrap jQuery Mobile Theme

A jQuery Mobile theme based on Bootstrap.

The title says it all. I thought it would be a fun project to build out a jQuery Mobile theme emulating everyone’s favorite hotness, the Bootstrap UI library. It’s not a perfect translation of course, but consider it a work in progress.

This theme overrides the existing jQuery Mobile A – E swatches (and adds an F swatch as well) with colors and styles found in Bootstrap. It’s meant to be used with A as the primary swatch for the page, and B – F as accents as needed.

Make your Bootstrap theme complete by using Font Awesome icons found in the jQuery Mobile Icon Pack.

**Updated for jQuery Mobile 1.4!

jQuery Mobile Twitter Bootstrap Theme

Bootbox.js – alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for twitter’s bootstrap framework

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Running Tests Build Status

Tests are run using Karma using the Mocha test adapter. To run the tests yourself, simply run npm installwithin the project followed by npm test. Please note that this will require PhantomJS being installed and in your path – if it is not, you may run the tests and capture browsers manually by running karma start from the root of the project.

The project is also hosted on Travis CI - when submitting pull requests please ensure your tests pass as failing requests will be rejected. See the CONTRIBUTING file for more information.

Building a minified release

The repository no longer contains a minified bootbox.min.js file – this is now only generated for releases. To build your own minified copy for use in development simply run npm install if you haven’t already, followed by grunt uglify. This will generate a bootbox.min.js file in your working directory.

A note on Bootstrap dependencies

Bootbox 4.0.0 is the first release to support Bootstrap 3.0.0.

Bootbox 3.3.0 is the last release to support Bootstrap 2.2.x.

Much more dependency information can be found on the Bootbox website.


The latest major release of Bootbox – 4.0.0 – involved a total rewrite of the internal code and introduced an entirely new public API. It has not re-implemented some functionality from the 3.x series as of yet; this will be addressed in the coming weeks in the form of new minor releases; a task list for 4.3.0 is available - please feel free to add feedback and requests.

There is no new major (e.g. 5.x) release on the roadmap at present.

Latest Release: 4.2.0

  • Add Swedish locale

  • Add Latvian locale

  • Add Turkish locale

  • Add Hebrew locale

  • Add password input type

  • Add textarea input type

  • Add date input type

  • Add time input type

  • Add number input type

  • Support DOM selectors for container argument

  • UMD support

  • Better support on mobile devices

For a full list of releases and changes please see the changelog.

Bootbox.js – alert, confirm and flexible dialogs for twitter’s bootstrap framework