jQuery FBlogin - Adding a Login with Facebook option to your web app is a pain! The process requires multiple requests to the Facebook API, and usually results in a messy callback soup that you get stuck managing.
A typical Facebook login flow usually requires the following sequence:
- Listen for Facebook SDK load with window.fbAsyncInit
- Initiate the Facebook App with FB.init
- Request Facebook permissions with FB.login
- Request Facebook fields with FB.me(/user)
With the fblogin plugin this is all taken care of with one simple call $.fblogin(options)
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/ryandrewjohnson/jquery-fblogin/master/dist/jquery.fblogin.min.js"></script>
<a href="#" id="login"> Login with Facebook </a>
You will need a valid Facebook App Id and the Facebook JS SDK loaded to use the plugin.
If you have used the jQuery.ajax() method before then using fblogin should seem familiar. Simply call $.fblogin(options) where options is an object with the desired settings.
Minimal login (no permissions):
$(function ()
$('#login').click(function ()
// This will login a user with Facebook and return user's public data
fbId: 'FB app id',
success: function (data)
console.log('Basic public user data returned by Facebook', data);
error: function (error)
console.log('An error occurred.', error);
Login requesting Facebook permissions:
// the permissions option is a comma separated list of extended FB permissions
fbId: 'FB app id',
permissions: 'email,user_birthday',
success: function (data)
console.log('User birthday' + data.birthday + 'and email ' + data.email);
Return only the requested fields:
// the fields option is a comma separated list of valid FB fields
fbId: 'FB app id',
permissions: 'email,user_birthday',
fields: 'email,first_name',
success: function (data)
// data will only contain the requested fields plus the user FB id
// which is always included by default
console.log(data.first_name, data.birthday);
Login using deffereds instead of callbacks:
var $dfd = $.fblogin(fbId: 'FB app id');
$dfd.done(function (data)
console.log('User first name' + data.first_name);
$dfd.fail(function (error)
console.log('An error occurred.', error);
Listen for progress callbacks:
// There are two progress events that happen during login
// 1. When the FB SDK is initialized
// 2. When the user has successfully authenticated with FB
var $dfd = $.fblogin(fbId: 'FB app id');
$dfd.progress(function (response)
// reponse object has two properties 'status' and 'data'
switch (response.status)
case 'init.fblogin':
console.log('facebook sdk initialized.');
case 'authenticate.fblogin':
console.log('user authenticated with facebook.', response.data);
$dfd.done(function (data)
console.log('User first name' + data.first_name);
When calling $.fblogin() you will be required to pass in a valid options object. Item(s) marked with * are required.
fbId: '156114864459351'
A valid Facebook App Id that must be configured to work on the domain that you are using the plugin on.
permissions: 'email,user_birthday'
A comma seperated list of extended Facebook permissions that you wish to request from the users. By default Facebook grants permissions to a user’s public profile. If you only need access to access to the public permissions then you can omit the permissions option.
fields: 'email,birthday'
A comma seperated list of Facebook fields that will limit which data is returned upon success. Make sure you have requested the appropriate permissions to access the fields provided. e.g. If you want thebirthday field make sure you have requested the user_birthday permission.
success: function (data)
A callback funtion that will be called upon success. The function will receive a data object containing the data returned from Facebook.
error: function (error)
A callback funtion that will be called upon error. The function will receive an error object containing info related to the error thrown.
jQuery FBlogin - Adding Facebook Login To Your Web App
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