
Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Validator - JQuery validation plugin for forms


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Validator is a JQuery validation plugin for forms. It can validate text, textarea, password, checkbox and select elements. With these different elements Validator supports: required, dependency on checkbox, min/max length, email, number, digits and some positioning of error messages.
<script src="jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="fm.validator.jquery.js"></script>
Here is an example of an textbox being required and the content being required to be between 3 and 12 characters.
<form method="post" class="validator">
  <input type="text" data-required data-min="3" data-max="12">
By default when initialized, the plugin will look for any form that contain the class validator, add itself to the submit event of the form, and then look for validator html5 data attributes that indicate what and how it the elements in the form should be validated. But you can also validate a form manually, by running the Validator.validate function. Here is an example:
if (Validator.validate('#someForm')) {
    alert('The form is valid, awesome!');
    return true;
} else {
    alert('The form is NOT valid!');
Text inputs:
Attribute Valid values Description
data-required no value If this is set, then the input will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only be required if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only be required if said element has said value
data-min=0-9 0-9 The minimum length of the input
data-max=0-9 0-9 The maximum length of the input
data-type email,url,number,digits email are url are self explanatory, number are the characters 0-9+ – . ,, digits are the characters 0-9 only
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the input element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after the dash -

Password inputs:
Attribute Valid values Description
data-required no value If this is set, then the input will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only validate if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only validate if said element has said value
data-min=0-9 0-9 The minimum length of the input
data-max=0-9 0-9 The maximum length of the input
data-match element id If set to an id of another input element, it will match the contents against that element
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the input element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after the dash -

Checkbox inputs:
Attribute Valid values Description
data-required no value If this is set, then the input will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only validate if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only validate if said element has said value
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the input element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after the dash -

Select inputs:
Attribute Valid values Description
data-required no value If this is set, then the input will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only validate if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only validate if said element has said value
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the input element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after the dash -

Attribute Valid values Description
data-required no value If this is set, then the textarea will require some content
data-required-if element id If set to an id of an element, then it will only validate if said element is checked or has the value of data-required-if-value
data-required-if-value element value If data-required-if is set to an element id, then it will only validate if said element has said value
data-min=0-9 0-9 The minimum length of the textarea
data-max=0-9 0-9 The maximum length of the textarea
data-type url If type is set to url, then a valid url is required
data-error-position before,after,before-{tagname},after-{tagname} By default the error messages will appear before the textarea element in the DOM, but you can also set it to appear after. If neede then you can also set it t be before or after the closest parent matching the tagname specified after th
Global options like language, elementErrorClass and language translations, can be set in the global options.
Here is an example. Setting language to danish, and changing the name of the error class applied to the input elements:
Validator.language = 'da';
Validator.elementErrorClass = 'fejl';
If there is a validation error, the plugin generates a div element before (or after) the input element, containing the error message in the chosen language, and also adds the class validator-error. Here is an example of what it would look like:
<form method="post" class="validator">
    <div class="validator-error">Field is required</div>
    <input type="text" data-required data-min="3" data-max="12" class="error">
As you can see, a class will also be added to the input element itself, which is error by default, but can be set in the global options.
You can also add a new language to the plugin at runtime: {
    textbox: {
        required: 'Le field is le`required',
        min: '...', // and so on
Validator.language = 'fr';

Here is an example of a whole language translation

Validator.languages.en: {
    textbox: {
        required: 'This field is required',
        min: 'This field must contain at least {characters} characters',
        max: 'This field must not contain more than {characters} characters',
        email: 'Email is not valid',
        url: 'Website is not valid',
        number: 'Only numbers',
        digits: 'Only numbers'
    password: {
        required: 'This field is required',
        min: 'This field must contain at least {characters} characters',
        max: 'This field must not contain more than {characters} characters',
        match: 'The passwords do not match'
    radio: {
    checkbox: {
        required: 'This checkbox is required'
    select: {
        required: 'Choose a field from the list'
    textarea: {
        required: 'This field is required',
        min: 'This field must contain at least {characters} characters',
        max: 'This field must not contain more than {characters} characters',
        url: 'Website is not valid'

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